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Family Code of Conduct

Family Code of Conduct Important Read carefully

NOTE: Where ERYFA is used throughout this policy it is intended to represent the Elk River Youth Football Association

As a parent(s) or player(s) of an Elk River Youth Football participant, I (we) am/are in agreement:

A. That it is a privilege, not a right, for our child/children to play youth football.

B. That sportsmanship, team work and fair play are essential to the sport of football.

C. That sportsmanship, team work and fair play are the most important skills that our child/children can possibly gain from youth football.

D. That because our child/children learn from our example, we as parents need to exemplify the highest level of sportsmanship by supporting all player, coaches, team managers, referees and parents.

THEREFORE, we agree to the following Code of Conduct Policy.

1. 24 HOUR RULE: No parent/legal guardian or relative of any ERYFA player, in a moment of frustration/anger over their player’s time/position, coaches play of their player and/or team status per our tryout policy will contact the coach, Level Director or any other member of the ERYFA Board of Directors. This includes by email, phone call, text message, written/typed letters or any other social media avenue. After 24 hours has passed from the conclusion of said event the parent/legal guardian is to contact the Level Director with the issue if they so choose. If such an event occurs, and the 24 hour rule is NOT followed by the parent/legal guardian, they will be sanctioned by the ERYFA Board of Directors in accordance to our sanctioning guidelines.

2. Parents and/or players who are evicted from any field will be sanctioned by the ERYFA Board of Directors in accordance to our sanctioning guidelines.

3. Parents and/or players who create public displays of anger towards their coaches in any venue or via email, phone call, text messages, written/typed letters or any other social media site will be sanctioned by the ERYFA Board of Directors in accordance with our sanctioning guide lines.

4. Parents and/or players, who create public displays of anger towards referees, parents/players of any ERYFA teams or any opposing team, which includes verbal abuse/threats or actual physical abuse/violence or any other conduct determined to be detrimental to ERYFA will be sanctioned by the ERYFA Board of Directors in accordance to our sanctioning guide lines.

5. If any occurrence takes place detailed above in sections 1-4, the sanctions will be as follows. First offense will be a MINIMUM of one (1) week suspension from all ERYFA events, including team events, home practices, games and tournaments. A second offense will result in a MINIMUM one calendar year suspension from all ERYFA events, including team events, practices, games and tournaments. A third offense will result in the parent/players removal from the ERYFA program. At any time due to the severity of the said offenses, the disciplinary action can be elevated from the above recommendation MINIMUM S to include the immediate removal from ERYFA program.

6. All inappropriate actions and resulting sanctions will be maintained in confidence by the ERYFA Board of Directors and be cumulative throughout the families participation in ERYFA. If need be, all sanctions will be forwarded Northwest Suburban League (7th & 8th), Area 728 League (4th -6th) and the Elk for enforcement at any away games.

7. If I do not abide by the Parent Code of Conduct Policy, I realize my child/children will be restricted from play for the term set forth by the ERYFA Board of Directors; all applicable fees still apply during the duration of the sanction.

8. That the parent/player agrees to abide by all the rules set forth by Northwest Suburban League (7th & 8th), Area 728 League (4th -6th) and the Elk River Youth Football Association and its coaches. Any violation will be sanctioned by the ERYFA Board of Directors in accordance with our sanctioning guide lines listed above in item 5.

9. The ERYFA Board of Directors, or any Committee appointed by the ERYFA Board of Directors will enforce all violations and notify the individual(s) in writing, after a disciplinary hearing, outlining the sanction that is being set forth. This will be done in a timely manner.

10. Any ERYFA member witnessing or involved in a violation of any portion of the ERYFA Parent Code of Conduct can bring the issue forward, after the 24 hour rule, to the Board of Directors by emailing the Level Director, President and/or the monthly scheduled board meeting.